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5 Symptoms of Detox to Prepare For

Symptoms of detox to prepare for withdrawal mired with physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms can be hard to deal with. This is the reason people find it hard to treat their alcohol addiction. Alcohol detox can cause severe symptoms which can be deadly. In the worst cases, the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal are associated with delirium tremens, the most serious and severe form of alcohol withdrawal.  

Chronic alcoholism affects the brain’s neurotransmitters and withdrawal from ethanol causes global confusion and autonomic hyperactivity. Over a period, this causes severe physical and psychological impact which can lead to cardiovascular collapse. Delirium tremens has a high mortality rate which is why it has to be recognized and treated during the detox and recovery phase.  

Going through a Christian alcohol rehab is not only an effective means to restrict the effects of delirium tremens, but can also be a way to manage alcohol withdrawal and re-integrate spirituality to live a more meaningful life away from addiction.  

Detox can be the most difficult phase of your recovery as it affects your physical, psychological and emotional frame. But being prepared with the help of a Christian alcohol rehab facility can make these most trying times easier to deal with.

Here are five symptoms of detox from mild to severe that you have to prepare for. Many of these also apply to opiate detox:

Symptoms of Detox: Anxiety  

Mild anxiety occurs with a person trying to withdraw from the substance. This is often characterized by feelings of nervousness, an overall sense of impending doom, panic attacks, or having obsessive and compulsive behavior as a way to have a sense of control in their chaotic lives.  

This symptom often occurs hours after the last intake and can last for weeks. Mild anxiety happens because their body has grown accustomed to the effects of alcohol and responds with the negative thought and behavior. A woman suffering from alcohol addiction can stop the symptoms by having a drink, although this is just a temporary reprieve.  


For a woman who has a chronic drinking problem, experiencing body tremors is one of the major symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.  Depending on the severity of the addiction, trembling may occur that only she notices it, or it’s noticeable to others.  

Shaking and tremors appear because alcohol changes the way the nerve cells respond to brain activity. Alcohol is a depressant, and the brain adapts to low levels of stimuli. Withdrawing from alcohol floods the brain with more neurological activity than it has been accustomed to. This leads to nervous system hyperactivity which manifests itself in shaking and tremors.  

Heightened Mood Disturbances

Constant alcohol intake prohibits the body from removing the substance which triggers a wide range of emotions. This worsens when going through alcohol withdrawal. Mixed emotions ranging from heightened confidence, lightheadedness, anxiety, guilt, or extreme sadness are common and lead to behavioral problems such as aggression or violence.  

Depression also happens and is a common symptom when women are in the midst of their recovery in women alcohol rehab. This also happens with meth detox. A heightened mood disturbance can affect a person with dual diagnosis and often leads to fatal consequences. It has to be regulated by medical professionals to prevent life-threatening consequences.  


Hallucinations can either be severe or mild depending on the severity of addiction. It is one of the severe symptoms of alcohol detox you have to watch out for because it leads to panic, paranoia, or violence. When left untreated, hallucinations can be dangerous and can lead to life risks.  


Depending on the length and exposure to alcohol,  withdrawal seizures happen after  12-48  hours after the last drink and can last for as long as two weeks. It is a generalized  seizure that involves the entire body characterized by muscle contractions and loss of consciousness.  

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