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Rehab Treatment for Women
Rehab treatment for women is the answer when you are in the throes of alcohol or drug addiction. You might not realize how dangerous substance abuse is to you. Physically, it can speed up the process of liver failure, brain damage or heart disease. You will experience worsening of these health conditions especially if you are a woman who consumes drugs or alcohol to excess.
Misuse use of both drugs and alcohol can also wreak havoc on your personal life and lead to perpetual poverty or homelessness, and you might even end up in one or more unstable, unfulfilling relationships while using. Addiction can also cause you to make many choices you otherwise would not make sober such as driving while intoxicated.
There is Hope of a New Life
New Creation offers hope to all women who desperately want to change. New Creation Christian women’s addiction treatment plans are here to help you make a fresh start even with heroin addiction treatment. Eventually, seeking recovery at our rehab center will lead to a less chaotic life overall, and you more often than not will save your life. Furthermore, you improve your chance to win back the respect of your children. Additionally, you may even rebuild your relationship with your spouse and make amends with your loved ones. Recovery usually is gradual depending on inpatient vs outpatient but seeking professional resources drastically reduces the chance of relapse.
Are You Willing to Do What It Takes to Recover?
Rehab is not always easy, and you will have to be patient with yourself and the process. However, you stand a better chance of achieving sobriety if you keep up the good work. With the right support of peers who have overcome drug and alcohol addictions, you can make it. Furthermore, having a safe environment in which to detox will help you break free from drug or alcohol chemical dependencies. During this process, staff will compassionately monitor your withdrawal symptoms and help you remain as comfortable as possible in some cases using suboxone detox.
New Creation Detox provides the following recovery resources:
- 30- to 90-day inpatient sober living environment
- Safe, private and secure detoxification
- Gradual return to the outside world after each treatment phase
- Individual, group and family therapy sessions
- Compassionate dual mental health and substance abuse disorder treatment
- Full-day outpatient programs and continuing care
You are Not Alone
As a woman, you are more likely to experience the stigma of alcoholism and drug abuse if you still use. You might even fear going to 12-step meetings or be reluctant to try rehab because you feel ashamed of your addiction. However, you are not alone. Many women who have been married, worked high-level corporate positions and raised multiple children have all suffered from substance abuse.
Other females facing eviction or perhaps already have been hospitalized or experienced job loss also turned around their lives. You can be the next success story if you want to be — as long as you believe in yourself and our program. If so, the other women enrolled in New Creation Christian recovery programs can be a source of experience, strength, and hope for you.
Rehab Treatment for Women: The First Steps
The first step to achieving permanent sobriety is admitting you have a problem and then believing your life can be restored as you turn to a power greater than you. The next step is to surround yourself with positive people who have been in your position in the past. In the process, you are likely to believe in yourself, and hope you perhaps have not had in a long time will return to you. You will no longer feel helpless for as long as you are willing to work on your recovery.
Any faith that you have while receiving treatment at New Creation will help you even if you are still searching for spiritual answers. Moreover, the accountability of other recovering alcoholics and drug addicts plus individual and group therapy will help you more so than quitting on your own. Even if you are not yet sure what kind of help you need, calling New Creation may set you on the right path.