Panic Disorder Treatment for Women
Panic disorder treatment for women addresses the type of mental health condition that is diagnosed when someone experiences what seems like an out-of-the-blue attack of fear and panic. Women with panic disorder experience these anxiety attacks on a recurrent basis without any apparent cause. Panic disorder can strike without any reason or warning and can have a variety of different symptoms including but not limited to the following:
- Sudden fear
- Sudden nervousness
- Sweating
- Racing heart or heart palpitations
- Fear that is disproportionate to the situation
- Perception that you cannot breathe
- Constant fear of another panic attack
- Fear that impacts daily functioning
Please understand that there are Christian panic disorder treatment for women facilities available for you. If you experience panic attacks on a chronic or recurrent basis, you may be suffering from panic disorder. This type of disorder can attempt to rule your life, but there is help out there if you are willing to look for it. Panic attacks can cause problems in your everyday life, preventing you from working, going to school or even just leaving the house.
- Women are twice as likely to be affected by panic disorder as men.
- Panic disorder and depression – they have a very high co-morbidity rate when it comes to major depression.
- Over 40 million adults between 18 and 54 are affected, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.
- More than $42 billion each year is spent on treatment of panic disorder in the United States.
- Over $22.8 billion is utilized for repeat healthcare services for the disorder.
- 8% of all cases are considered to be “severe” forms of panic disorder, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.
- The average age of onset is 24 years old.
- Only 59.1 percent of individuals in the United States are actively seeking treatment for their panic disorder, meaning that 40.9% of individuals with panic disorder are not getting the help that they need, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.
- 2% of individuals who are receiving treatment are barely receiving adequate treatment, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.
Not every person deals with their issues the same way. Getting help from a treatment facility that is prepared to treat you like an individual is essential. We know that you are going to have experiences and difficulties that are all your own. Using the same tactic for all treatments is not the best approach. Our expert team will work to find out exactly what your triggers are and why they are a problem for you specifically. We also realize that as a woman you face challenges that are different. Guilt and shame might play a major role in your psyche and it is important that these are acknowledged.
Panic Disorder Treatment for Women – Getting Help
The one on one treatment will give you the support that is necessary for success. Our staff is equipped to handle the medical issues that might arise during your treatment and prepared for various situations. Making sure that you are comfortable and safe throughout the process is important. We realize that you have specific needs that must be met for you to succeed and will work hard to determine these needs.
The family is vital to the future of many of our patients. Those individuals that you love and that love you play a big role in your success. They are also affected by your situation and will ultimately be important in your treatment. We recognize that they need to be involved in the treatment process and fully understand what you will be going through. While the work is something you will take on, we will give you the tools to do the job and help you along the way. Your success is important to us and we want to make sure that it is long term. Our goal is to keep you safe and on a positive path for the future.
Panic disorder can be debilitating, not only to you but to your loved ones as well. It is time for you to seize control of your life once and for all. When you’re ready to get the help that you deserve, simply give us a call. We are waiting to hear from you so that we can start supporting and caring for you in the way that you deserve. Are you ready to overcome your panic disorder and start living your life the way you want to? Give us a call today to find out what we can do for you.