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Christian Mental Health Rehab

Christian mental health rehab is for you or a loved one if suffering from a mental health disorder, or even if you just suspect there might be a problem, it is time to get dual diagnosis help. We offer women’s-only residential mental health treatment programs designed to help you overcome the struggles associated with depression, anxiety, PTSD and other mental health disorders as well as alcohol and substance abuse. Help is just a call away.

“Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life.”

– Ashkay Dubey

Our beautiful Christian mental health rehab, located in Southern California, is a safe and comfortable space for you to get better. We consider the confidentiality of our clients to be of the utmost importance. Only people you have given us permission to inform will know that you or your loved one is undergoing inpatient mental health treatment. Thus we can avoid the feelings of guilt that are sometimes associated with mental illness.

Hidden away from the stresses and pressures of daily life, our Christian mental health rehab treatment facilities are a place of support, care, and comfort for women struggling with mental health disorders. Mental health treatment centers can provide a launching pad for a new, refreshed life for many women.

Mental health disorders are seen in millions of people and more are diagnosed every year. If you have been diagnosed with any of the following, New Creation Christian mental health rehab residential treatment centers for women have a program for you!

  • Depression
  • Generalized anxiety
  • Panic disorder
  • PTSD
  • Dual Diagnosis
  • Bipolar
  • ADD or ADHD
  • Postpartum depression
  • Social anxiety
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Schizophrenia

“Bipolar robs you of that which is you. It can take from you the very core of your being and replace it with something that is completely opposite of who and what you truly are. Because my bipolar went untreated for so long, I spent many years looking in the mirror and seeing a person I did not recognize or understand. Not only did bipolar rob me of my sanity, but it robbed me of my ability to see beyond the space it dictated me to look. I no longer could tell reality from fantasy, and I walked in a world no longer my own.”
― Alyssa Reyans, Letters from a Bipolar Mother

At New Creation, our specialty is treating mental health disorders, specifically for women and especially in cases of dual diagnosis or co-occurring addictions. Our team of intake specialist is waiting to help you assess the treatment plan you need to better your life – it’s quick and confidential.

A Balanced Approach

Our Christian mental health rehab center is focused on treating your mind, body, and soul. With diet and exercise programs, a huge variety of available therapy methods, and with a Christian focus, our patients address every aspect of their lives. Our multidisciplinary team of specialists makes every effort to ensure your time with us at our inpatient mental health treatment centers is spent productively.

The goal for every one of our staff is your complete recovery and to give you a new lease on life. New Creation mental health inpatient treatment centers offer a wealth of therapeutic options for you or your loved one.

The Benefits of Christian Mental Health Rehab

  • Self-confidence
  • New friendships
  • Positive changes to existing relationships
  • Self-acceptance
  • Forgiveness of self and others
  • Empowerment
Not to mention a freeing feeling – you can lead a more rewarding life without the burdens of mental illness.

You are not alone! As women, we have a sad tendency to feel guilt and shame in regard to mental illness, even common disorders like depression. Sometimes we even blame ourselves and think we’re too weak to go on. This is not true! You have a disease. Is it a source of shame to get the flu? We want to help you realize your worth and realize you’re not to blame – and that help is available without judgement.

“Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.”
– Seneca

We believe in the healing power of bringing women together in a community. You can meet other women at our mental rehabilitation centers that have the same goals, dreams, and feelings that you do. Especially through prayer and Bible groups, our philosophy of mutual support and growth is paramount.

One of the core beliefs we uphold about recovery from a sense of community. New Creation’s gender-specific facilities provide a place for women to grown and strengthen each other – a safe space free from societal pressures where women can share experiences and tips.

Methods of Treatment

  • Medication
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Outdoor therapy
  • Spiritual guidance
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Experiential therapies
Our passionate, caring, and experienced staff at New Creation want to help you overcome your mental health issues free of judgement. We employ proven therapeutic techniques and more alternative treatments as well.

We are committed to your success. School, work, friends, partners, and children will still be around after your treatment. Now is the time to focus on yourself and take the time and assistance you need to love your best lifestyle. With insurance for rehab, most of the time there is little to no out of pocket expense.

Please reach out to our Christian mental health rehab treatment facilities if you are living with an untreated mental disorder. Untreated mental disorders can be terrifying and damaging. You do not have to walk this path alone any more. We are here and ready to serve you!

Call us today and speak to one of our intake specialists.