Continuing Care Treatment

Continuing care treatment at Christian drug and alcohol addiction rehab is so much more than detox and a residential stay. Many recovering addicts feel that after the calls, the evaluations and assessments, the various therapy sessions and inpatient treatment, rehab is done. After all, that’s the point of rehab! However, the caring staff at New Creation Treatment, experienced in addiction treatment and in many instances having personal experience with the struggles involved in treating addiction, are ready to help ensure your treatment is long-lasting and continuous.

Getting the help you need from a residential addiction treatment program is only the beginning of the path towards recovery.

What is Continuing Care Treatment?

Continuing care treatment, which some centers call aftercare, helps those completing inpatient or outpatient treatment to re-enter their lives while maintaining their sobriety. Relapse is an ever-present concern for recovering addicts. For example, in lots of cases the social life the recovering addict once knew is focused around using or drinking; even normal social engagements are fraught with triggers. “It’s just a glass of wine!” New Creation Treatment Continuing Care programs are there to help our alumni with relapse prevention, manage their social lives, learn to cope with difficult situations, and to rebuild healthy relationships with friends and family.

There are many continuing care treatment options for New Creation Treatment graduates. Some examples:

Sober Living Programs – Sober Living is a treatment program for those who need a structured environment even after finishing a 30-day program. This is sometimes known as “halfway houses.” New Creation offers Sober Living locations in California, with a cozy and home-like atmosphere. Sober Living alumni share space with with fellow recovering addicts and house managers while working or attending school during the day. The Sober Living programs offer a viable alternative to outpatient meetings for those in recovery.

Alumni Programs – The Alumni program is a wonderful option for those wishing to continue the sobriety and relationships built during intensive treatment. We’ve found that people in recovery benefit greatly from taking part in the recovery community and the relationships they’ve built in treatment. To achieve this, we organize events such as BBQs, live concerts, meet-and-greets, and outdoor day trips (for example, to the beach). New Creation allows Christian women in recovery to bond together.

Meetings and Chapters – We strongly encourage our Alumni to engage in meetings with 12-step programs such as Alcoholic Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. New Creation Christian addiction recovery plans are based on the 12-step program themselves. These meetings are proven over decades to help addicts maintain their sobriety in the long term and to help rebound from relapses when and if they occur.

The Advantages of Sober Living

Sober Living programs are proven to help recovering addicts successfully maintain sobriety and work at rebuilding.


A hugely important part of inpatient treatment, according to our alumni, is the discipline learned and practiced. At New Creation Sober Living programs, that discipline can continue with supervision and assistance from professionals. Strict rules such as curfews, chore assignments, drug testing, and behavioral restrictions can help the recovering addict put their lives in order. Our Sober Living patients agree to a “social contract” before entering the house. Violations can lead to negative marks and even expulsion from the house.

Safe Environment

New Creation Sober Living programs offer drug-free, supportive environments for recovering addicts. We offer gender-specific houses, for women only, to help our patients remove distractions and social pressure from gender roles in their recovery.

A Lifelong Journey in Continuing Care Treatment

Continuing care programs are essential for the long-term sobriety of our patients; no inpatient or outpatient treatment can completely “cure” addiction or prevent all relapses. Whether it’s Sober Living, joining the Alumni program, or even committing to attending NA or AA meetings, continuing care is an essential part of the recovery process for you or a loved one.

Recovery like a voyage. It’s a very long and sometimes very difficult path, and no one can go it alone. Continuing care programs give you the support and tools you need to continue your journey with success.

Please call our treatment specialists today if you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol or drug addiction. We can help you personalize your treatment plan and get your life back on track.