Party drugs and addiction can be a risk of leaving home for school. Going to college is often the best time in many people’s lives. During this time, millions of college students will join fraternity or frat houses to make friends and to find a place to live. These groups are often a great place to create a culture of friendship and scholarship. However, it would be misleading to state that frat houses are always a good influence on the young men who join them.
In fact, many unfortunate students in fraternities are going to find themselves addicted to substances like benzos, heroin, opiates, alcohol, and even methamphetamine. However, one of the quietest addiction problems gripping college students these days is party drugs. That’s because they don’t create a serious risk of physical addiction and seem like a good time.
These ideas are all misunderstandings that, unfortunately, cause too many college students to risk their lives. Party drugs are not safe pills to take because they can generate a type of psychological addiction that is hard to shake. In some ways, they are similar to an addiction to Xanax, prescription opioids, and even certain kinds of benzodiazepines. As a result, recovery and treatment are often necessary.
Fraternity Houses are Often an Epicenter for Party Drugs and Addiction
The cliché about fraternity houses being party centers might seem unfair to those in many frat houses. After all, many students in those groups work hard to break away from that perception and even harder to benefit their college in a multitude of ways. However, other houses are places where students can party and ignore their classes as much as possible. Sadly, party drugs and addiction often enter into this equation.
Party drugs, such as ecstasy, cocaine, and lean are all accessible on college campuses. That’s because they create a variety of effects that are enjoyable for many students. For example, ecstasy will make a frat brother feel like he is the king of the world. All of his inhibitions will go out the window, and he’ll find it easier to party, have a good time, talk to a girl, and enjoy life.
Cocaine has a similar effect on many students, particularly if they are regular uses. The immediate impact of coke is incredibly potent and will create an excess of energy in a person’s body. As a result, even serious students in a fraternity may snort cocaine or even prescription drugs (like Adderall) as a way of staying up late to study. College athletes in frats might also abuse these drugs as a way of staying active on the field when they are feeling a lack of energy.
And lean is popular because it creates a calming or depressant effect on the nervous system of those who take it. Beyond that, it is also effortless to make it with legal household ingredients, which is perfect for poor college students who don’t have a lot of money to spend. Often, frat brothers will binge on lean while drinking alcohol or doing drugs like heroin or cocaine to create a variety of different reactions that feel exciting.
Unfortunately, they are doing severe damage to their overall health. For example, party drugs cause a racing heart that may cause serious damage even in those who are otherwise healthy. Even worse, it may trigger a heart attack or other cardiac issues. And even if these concerns don’t occur, abusing party drugs is damaging your body’s tissues and organs and potentially contributing to a multitude of other dangers that could be just temporary or even lifelong for many addicted college students.
Many Fraternities Ban Drugs, But It Doesn’t Matter Much
What might be surprising to know is that many fraternity houses ban drug use on school properties. That’s because those who run the groups understand how problematic they can be to a student’s success. While drinking is allowed in most (as long as everyone is of age), this drug ban may help some students avoid this problem and enjoy a life free from party substances.
Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Many college students end up abusing party drugs off of campus and away from the frat. And most frat houses aren’t going to penalize a student or kick them out for merely abusing drugs. They will only do that if the student abuses them on their house property. As a result, there is an unfortunate tendency for many addicted fraternity brothers to travel to do their party drugs, even if the danger of being caught is high.
That’s because their personal and psychological addiction to these drugs has reached very potent levels. They just cannot live without that rush that ecstasy, cocaine, and other party drugs provide. And while these drugs don’t cause withdrawal symptoms the ways that opiates and opioids do, they do create a psychological dependency that can be very hard to break.
Getting caught in the grip of a party drug problem is going to put a significant strain on any college student’s life. However, it is likely to be even worse if they are in a frat house. That’s because they’re going to be surrounded by people who are abusing multiple types of drugs and who are encouraging them to continue using. The brotherhood created by fraternity houses also create a potential for a severe cycle of abuse that may lead to personal issues.
Party Drugs and Addiction May Cause Personal Struggles
When you suffer from a dependency on party drugs, you are going to experience a lot of personal difficulties. For example, you might end up doing things that you wouldn’t do when you were sober. Many users who take ecstasy find themselves partying very late, having unprotected sex with strangers, or doing dangerous activities that would typically terrify them.
And when you’re in college, you’re going to have a lot of free time in which to behave this way. For example, many college students who end up addicted to party drugs will do the bare minimum to keep an appropriate GPA while trying to party as much as possible. This scenario might seem reasonable for college life, but it can be a very destructive one if you aren’t careful.
For example, the movie “Animal House” gives a pretty good feel for what happens to a fraternity house that does nothing but party. While it might seem silly to point to a stupid comedy as an example of addiction, the signs of dependency are all there. The members of the house are likely all addicted to alcohol and partying and let this kind of behavior get them kicked out of college.
In the movie, this failure is played for laughs. In real life, failing out of college is anything but funny. You’re going to find yourself the owner of a great big block of debt that you won’t be able to manage. That’s because a college degree is more important than ever for succeeding in life. When that movie was released, collegiate education was a luxury. It’s become a necessity that makes a more comfortable and prosperous life possible.
Even worse, your addiction may linger in your life far past your college days and start affecting your health. Those addicted to party drugs are putting a severe strain on their heart, one that could cause it to give up one day and send them to an early grave. And even if you don’t die, an addiction to party drugs can cause you to lose focus on your life and its progress.
You might also lose a job and end up taking one that pays much less. Even worse, your spouse may leave you and friends abandon you because your party drug addiction has kept you in a state of permanent adolescence. This kind of failure is not showcased in any college comedy that focuses on alcohol and drug use, but it can happen to just about anybody.
Therefore, it is critical to understand the nature of party drug addiction fully and to get treatment as soon as possible. Do it while you’re still succeeding in college and before the downward spiral begins. Taking a break during the summer or even for a whole semester can ensure that you live your life healthily and happily.
Treatment May Be Necessary
If you or someone you love lives in a fraternity house and is suffering from addiction to party drugs, there is a helping place to which you can turn. Treatment for party drug addiction is possible through recovery in a rehab center. In fact, anyone who has lived in a frat house is going to feel right at home in a rehab house. That’s because these residential treatment centers create a strong feeling of companionship and brotherhood among their residents.
For example, you’ll stay with a group of individuals who come from a broad array of different life situations. Sounds a lot like college, doesn’t it? However, you won’t be getting together to celebrate or party but to learn about how to stay sober. During your stay, you’ll make friends who can help you through the physical pain of withdrawal and who can work with you in group therapy as a supporting and caring friend.
Just as importantly, you can make lifelong bonds that you can carry outside of your recovery center. Again, this sounds a lot like the relationship many fraternity brothers experience once they graduate. In fact, don’t be surprised if you and your rehab friends get together from time to time to talk about life, much in the same way frat brothers meet to reminisce.
This friendship doesn’t mean that rehab and recovery will be a walk in the park. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Overcoming addiction requires a lot of hard work and personal dedication. Even addiction to party drugs like ecstasy can be hard to overcome. That’s because the psychological compulsion to use is often incredibly high in many individuals. However, meeting with people who are in the same situation can be a very beneficial way of recovering. And no matter how strong dependency has you in its grip, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
During your stay, you’re going to learn a variety of coping mechanisms through the application of dual-diagnosis. This treatment method approaches addiction as a mental health disease. For example, it will example any co-occurring disorders (such as bipolar disease or anxiety) that are contributing to your addiction. Then, it will find a way to teach you how to avoid these unhealthy patterns of behavior.
For example, you will learn to spot your addiction triggers and master how to overcome them. Let’s say that you and your frat brothers love to do ecstasy just before going out to the bar. In this scenario, you need to spot which brothers influence this behavior and how you can avoid it. If you have to stop going out to the bar with these brothers, it’s probably necessary for your recovery.
Losing friends in this way is never easy. However, real friends will understand that you are struggling with dependency and won’t mock you for trying to improve your life. If your frat brothers make fun of you for trying to quit party drugs and getting your life in order, it might be time to consider finding a new group of people with which you can hang out.
Get the Help You Need for Party Drugs and Addiction
So if you or anyone else you know is in a tough fight with addiction that seems impossible to beat, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today. We can provide you with the kind of dual-diagnosis treatment that you need to overcome addiction and regain your life.
Just as importantly, you can go back to your frat house with a clearer mind and an ability to say no to party drugs. You may even be able to help the lives of brothers in your home who are suffering from dependency. Your healing example could give them the help they need to regain a sober lifestyle