Addiction recovery is affected by people, places and things. Such variables can expedite or hinder one’s recovery. Knowing which things to keep and which things to discard is sometimes not easy for a recovering person to discern. The following is some information on deciding what to keep and what to lose:
It is possible for a person to keep a job during his or her period of alcohol recovery. The recovering addict may want to keep such a job to maintain the bills and expenses. Holding on to one’s job during recovery is acceptable unless the job somehow plays a part in the addiction. For example, the addicted person may have co-worker friends who indulge in the addictive behavior. Someone in meth recovery may want to rethink maintaining such friendships.
Friends in Addiction Recovery
Friends are acceptable to keep if they provide encouragement and support. True friends do not want to see their friends destroy themselves in the cycle of abuse. Instead, They would rather see such people succeed in recovery programs and transform into strong and successful individuals. Recovering addicts in addiction recovery should stay close to friends who provide assistance and inspiration. However, they should sever ties with “friends” who try to keep them in their addictions. A true friend is someone who does not want to see another person in turmoil. All addictions cause turmoil.
Relationships in Addiction Recovery
Romantic relationships such as dating relationships should probably be put on hold for a period. Addicted persons need time to grow and discover who they truly are underneath the addiction and other underlying issues. Relationships just add additional strain on the person who is already going through many changes. Anything that is not a marriage should be put on the back burner. If the other person has a true heart, then he or she will wait patiently.
The residential area is one place that a person will have to consider. Changing the scenery is sometimes necessary to break the cycle of addiction. Addiction recovery in action a person may want to start new in an area that does not contain the temptation that old friends and old scenery brings.
Our experts can help an addicted person find a facility that will assist, advise and comfort the recovering addict. They can search a database of thousands of facilities to find one that fits perfectly with the prospective resident’s plan. An interested person can call today to receive the help.