Inpatient vs outpatient are the two main types of rehab programs. An outpatient program only requires the addict to attend sessions a few hours a week and can stay at home otherwise. An inpatient program requires the addict to remain in the facility for the duration of the program. Here are some of the advantages of enrolling in an inpatient facility.
Minimize Access to Substances
An inpatient facility helps to keep the addict from accessing drugs and alcohol. Friends and family may be either directly or indirectly enabling the habit by facilitating access to these substances. In an outpatient program, the addict goes back to friends and family and this increases the probability of a relapse.
In order to ensure the recovery is fast and effective, the addict needs to be focused. The inpatient program has a structure that keeps the addict focused throughout his recovery. For example, most programs leave very little free time. There are sessions with counselors and psychiatrists, as well as healthy recreational activities to keep you focused for the duration of time you will be at the facility.
One of the biggest challenges for addicts is dealing with withdrawal symptoms. Some symptoms can have serious health implications if they are not addressed on time. This is why it is important to enroll in a men or women’s drug rehabilitation facility.
An inpatient program is beneficial in that you will be monitored by staff for any serious signs of withdrawal. The addict also gets professional support round the clock for any psychological or emotional distress they may experience during their recovery.
Inpatient vs Outpatient Group Counseling and Peer Support
Both inpatient and outpatient drug rehab programs have individual and group counseling sessions. Inpatient treatment care usually has peer support groups that are more specialized. For example, the program may have groups based on gender or age. Outpatient treatment groups can be more convenient around work schedules and treatment length can be longer. Inpatient for example is typically 30-90 days but outpatient can be approved for much longer offering a strong foundation in recovery.
Peer groups are crucial in providing psychological and emotional support which is crucial for the recovery process. Through empathy and concern peers can boost their self-esteem and get them to become more motivated. Most peer focused facilities, such as a drug rehab for women, are based on an inpatient program.
Peer mentoring often goes beyond emotional and psychological support. A new parent may need tips on how to strike a balance between their career and their personal life. Peer mentoring may also include information on how to get a better job and outside support groups to attend.
Therapy Options
In many men and women drug rehab facilities, psychological support will follow right after the addict has undergone detoxification. An inpatient facility has a more tailor-made program because staff is available around the clock to monitor and address the needs of the patient. All these programs are based on evidence-based scientific methodologies.
There are also therapy options available to people enrolled in an inpatient rehab facility. Therapy options may include, Yoga, meditation, Pilates, massage, music and art therapy. Besides complementing proven scientific methodologies used to help recovering addicts, the therapy options are activities that can help the addict keep their minds of drugs and alcohol.
Outpatient rehab is typically offered as a step down process after inpatient treatment.
Nutritional Advice
Since the addict has to remain in the inpatient facility for the duration of the program, it is possible for him to get accurate nutritional information from the staff at the facility. Abusing alcohol or substances for an extended period of time can take a toll on your health.
Some addicts are often too preoccupied with getting the next fix that they do not pay attention to their diet. Our inpatient program has a private chef and can provide information on foods that the patient can take to restore their overall health. Addicts can benefit from the more specialized care offered by inpatient programs. Outpatient programs are an excellent step down and offer convenience while getting back to normal living routine.
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